The Charlie Charlie craze that has exploded across social media sites in the last week is striking for one main reason - its absolute undiluted stupidity. The stupidity is not just confined to those that are taking part in the craze, but also to those that are taking up arms against it and parading their ignorance for all the world to see.
For those of you that are as of yet uninitiated into the Charlie Charlie phenomenon, please find a brief video below that will no doubt make you feel a lot less intelligent after watching.
Of course, anyone with half a brain would realize after watching such garbage that the whole thing is complete nonsense on legs being peddled around school playgrounds by the more dim witted type of kid.
However, report that schools have issued warnings to parents about the 'supernatural' game. Fr Jimmy Bartolo, coordinator of the Church Schools Association, told MaltaToday that schools had instructed students not to play the game on school premises. “We are opposed to the game because of its similarities and connection to the Ouija board, a game that is notably associated to black magic."
Over the last week, myths have started attaching themselves to the game, one being that 'Charlie' is a Mexican spirit. Astute readers will realize that 'Charlie' is not a Mexican name and the only authentic Mexican Charlie is in fact a powder, not a spirit replicating itself via pre teens imaginations.
And in no great surprise, report that 'vatican exorcist' Spanish priest Jose Antonio Fortea has weighed into the discussion, saying that playing 'Charlie Charlie' opens up children to the influence of demons.
The Christian Today article reports that :-
"Father Fortea warned that the game involves the real, occult practice of "calling on spirits," cautioning people that "some spirits who are at the root of that practice will harass some of those who play the game."
Even though players "won't be possessed," the spirit that has been summoned "will stay around for a while."
Also, the game "will result in other spirits beginning to enter into even more frequent communication."
"And so then the person really can suffer much worse consequences from the demons," Father Fortea said.
Another priest, Fr Stephen McCarthy, warned students at the Saints John Neumann and Maria Goretti Catholic High School in Philadelphia against playing the game, The Independent reported on Tuesday.
"There is a dangerous game going around on social media which openly encourages impressionable young people to summon demons," Father McCarthy said in an open letter.
"I want to remind you all there is no such thing as 'innocently playing with demons.'"
But lets face it, with so many of the Catholic and other clergy across the world being involved in child abuse, who is going to listen to them?
So a little honesty would be appreciated by Father McCarthy and Father Fortea.
Try this guys, Charlie, Charlie is complete garbage. And so is the Catholic Faith.
And if the above video wasn't enough to get you throwing babies randomly out of their prams, try sitting through the next one below and not only will you be throwing them out of their prams, but you'll be punching them in no time!
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