And i suppose, if you run a blog called, you are going to need to find signs of the demise of human kind anywhere and everywhere. Better still, you can do a bit of sloppy research, conflate a few issues, invoke the name of Jesus and make the case for a new end of the world theory to really spook your fellow christian fundamentalist friends and any random flake who surfs by.
If you built your bunker, stocked up on supplies, armed yourself to the teeth and ordered in some tangy tangerine and multi-vitamins to keep your body firing on all cylinders, but felt let down by the previous end of the world on Dec 23rd 2012 passing by with barely a whimper, there is some great news for you.
So, don't worry if you were beginning to think that the end of the world was merely a metaphor for the eventual earthly demise of all humans, that has been sublimated into a massive and ever growing ideology which actually represents the denial that one day, we all die and when that day comes, as far as you are concerned, it is the end of the world.
No siree, because, as are good enough to inform us, you can immanentize the eshcaton once more 'sometime between September 22-28, 2015, and especially September 23, 2015, the Day of Atonement!'
Furthermore, apparently, according to this miserable and risable end of the world blog, you can be sure that 'the elite, the illuminati, the world leaders, the Luciferian governments, whatever name you want to give them, are fully aware of what is coming this September and they have known about this date for a very long time.'
This is the case (of course,) even though, apparently, Jesus didn't know exactly which date the end of the world would arrive. The kooky christian goes on to explain that this is because of gods 7000 year plan for mankind and that 'after 6000 years, He is planning to set up His New Millennial Kingdom on the earth. Satan knows exactly when this 6000 years will end because he was there when God created the world. Satan has also had thousands of years to study the prophecies and is very likely a highly intelligent creature.'
Well, I guess if you believe that, you'll believe.........
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