Friday, 17 April 2015

Catholic Priest Cites Exorcism As Perfect Cure For Excessive Masturbation

As the Catholic Conference On Exorcism trundles to it's conclusion today, yet another lunatic attending the event has spouted forth a load of old baloney on why exorcism is enjoying a renaissance and the type of maladies it can be used to treat.

Earlier in the week we heard from  Professor Giuseppe Ferrari, who has come to the conclusion that vampire films are being used as a recruiting tool for Satan, via the use of the archetype of  'Beautiful Young Vampires' who apperently make their victims drink blood and then 'encourage them to have 'special sexual relations' to obtain 'special powers.'

The conference is overseen by Father Gabriele Amorth who in the past has claimed that IVF fertility treatment, gay rights and 'a host of other things' were visible signs of the threat of 'existential evil' to society.

 Fear not, as it looks like there are more kooks to keep us entertained right up until the final day.

The latest contender for the devil in the mirror prize goes to Father Cesare Truqui, a Mexican priest who has 'trained as an exorcist.'

The highlights of Truqui's exorcism career, apparently, straight from the horses mouth are removing the devil from a woman who combed her hair for eight hours a day and another man who compulsively masturbated, 'sometimes many times a day.'

Unfortunately, Truqui does not give us any follow up information on these case studies, so we are in the dark so as to speak, about whether the woman now combs her hair less, or if the masturbators hand is less sore, although perhaps his testicles are more swollen with billions of frustrated sperm.

Let's hope the last day of the conference doesn't disappoint!

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