Wednesday, 3 June 2015

U.S.A 'Mega Church' Tries To Reconcile Wife With 'Repentant' Pedophile Ex Partner

A member of Dallas 'Mega-Church' The Village Church who attempted to reconcile her with her pedophile ex husband who the church said was 'repentant' have issued an apology via their lead pastor, after the woman took the step of having an explosive statement published in Watch Keep blog which details her husbands inclinations and The Village Church's lack of humanity.

The article in Watch Keep blog is entitled :-

"She Speaks: The Village Church protects a confessed pedophile and "disciplines" his wife, a brave young woman and missionary,"

and details the ordeal the woman has been put through by the church after her husband was exposed and admitted to using child pornography.

The woman, Karen Hinkley, starts her statement by detailing the emotional shock she experienced when she found out that her husband, Jordan Root was a pedophile and had been a user of child pornography for many years.  She then goes on to say that the pastors and elders of The Village Church refused to to respond to the situation with the seriousness it deserved.

Karen alleges that Root sought to gain access 'to a large number of children, many of whom represent some of the most vulnerable populations of children in our society.' She also says that part of her motivation for going public is to encourage any possible victims of Root to come forward. On the other hand Karen says that the actions of The Village Church have been the opposite of hers and she says within the church there has been an 'inclination to minimization' of the gravity of Root's crimes and behaviour.

Karen Hinkley had her marriage annulled by a Texas court but when she returned to the church, her pursuance for an annulment led to her being disciplined for failing to consult with The Village Church elders regarding the matter and further still, elders wished to see the couple reconcile according to a report in

So once again we see a religious organization think it is ok to brush accusations and known instances of child abuse under the table, whilst at the same time demeaning the women and children they are supposedly responsible for.

The Village Church - YOU ARE A DISGRACE!

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