Many of our readers may be forgiven for thinking that medieval superstition and religious buffoonery and the horrors it leads to are limited only to poor and impoverished areas of the planet. However, it doesn't take much scratching of the surface of Christian America to find religious stupidity on a grand scale.
It is one such mild surface scratch that has led us to be confronted by one Pastor Robert Jeffress. The good pastor is the lead mouth piece of the 11,000 member First Baptist Church in Dallas, Texas and also hosts a TV show that is aired by 1,200 television stations and other countries, or so we hear on good authority from wikipedia.
Jeffress' latest foray into the world of sanity has seen him be magnanimous enough to conclude that :-
'It would be unfair to characterize all Muslims as violent,' he said he
'wanted to demonstrate the scope of the problem facing the world as the
end of time draws near.'
Some of you may be a little perturbed that a far out crank who appears on 1,200 televisions station across the United States and 'the world' who believes that 'the end times' are coming can be an influential force in deciding who gets the block vote of Americas millions of right wing christian GOP voter base but in reality, this is just business as usual and has been for the last 50 years or so in the U.S.
The pastors rant , is reported on at where he is quoted as saying that "It was Satan himself who delivered those delusions to those people to lead people by the millions away from God" in reference to the Muslim belief that the religion of Islam was delivered to Muhammad by an angel. report that 'The sects and terror groups that make up that army, which includes
Shiite Iran, have a shared goal of destroying the Jews, Christians and
the political framework of modern democracy.'
"That is why it is absolute lunacy for our president and Congress to
negotiate a deal on nuclear weapons with Iran when they are intent on
destroying Israel, us, and exterminating our nations from the face of
the earth," Jeffress said.
And it would appear that Jeffress is so steeped in lunacy himself, that he feels himself qualified to speak about it.
Our hero, Jefress goes on to validate U.S. foreign policy thus :-
'There were more people killed in one day on Sept. 11,
2001, than in the entire 400 year history of the Spanish Inquisition.'
Obviously Jeffress has not looked at the figures, as 9/11 took the lives of nearly 3000 people whilst the inquisition took the lives of 3-5000 people. And really, does conflating either of these two issues make either of the tragedies more acceptable. Perhaps Jeffress should do the math on the actual percentage of world population that those murders accounted for in their relative historical periods for a clearer understanding of what he said.
Eventually we come to Jeffress' most shining moment :-
'Since the 1980s there have been eight people killed
by abortion clinic bombings carried out by people claiming to be
"Eight people. That's a good half-hour's work for a Muslim terrorist."
So are we to understand that he believes because SOME people who claim Islam as a religion are murdering people en masse, the eight abortion clinic murders are absolved.
Pastor Jeffress, you are not, as you claim, preaching the gospel of love as practiced by Jesus. You are using fear and your followers lack of education in order to further your own aims.
You are no better than those for whom you reserve your ire.
Another reason for everyone to turn their back on all religious ideologies. Now!
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