Sunday, 26 April 2015

Dangerous Religious Fantasist Cites Demonic Possession As A Reason For Church To Continue Abusing

Hot on the heels of last weeks conference on exorcism - where some of the worlds leading roman catholic clergy gathered to discuss ways of continuing and expanding their campaign of physical and psychological abuse of young, old and vulnerable people with religious clap trap and holy baloney, including the ridiculous and frankly worrying proclamation by one robed pervert who cites exorcism as a 'cure' for excessive masturbation - this week we have a Canadian 'Reverend' who has written a book claiming that mental illness is as much about demonic possession as it is about verifiable medical causes.

Dangerous religious fantasist 'reverend' Michael Driscoll cites demonic possession as a reason to perpetuate the psychological and physical abuse of the vulnerable by the church

 The Rev. Michael Driscoll has written a book ludicrously titled “Demons, Deliverance, and Discernment: Separating Fact from Fiction About The Spirit World,” in which he explains that medical science does not know everything about mental illness as it fails to entertain the possibility of demonic possession.

Citing, as so many religious abusers do, the case of a supposed case of demonic possession of a family according to the claims of a Gary, Ind., woman who claimed she and her three children were possessed by demons, Driscoll goes on to use this a a basis to propose all sorts of absurdities based around the bible and the usual sort of religious nonsense that gives many in the church a license to continue the groping and abusing of vulnerable people.

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